RCMP Regular Member Suitability Interview - Problem Solving I recently posted about the changes to the RCMP applicant process and that they modified the interview from the Right Fit Interview, which assessed eight competencies, to the Regular Member Suitability Interview (RMSI), which assesses four competencies, and combines the RMAQ as part of … [Read more...]
RCMP RMSI – When Should I Start to Prepare?
RCMP RMSI - When should I start to prepare? What is The RCMP RMSI? It is the Regular Member Suitability Interview, and is a key component to the overall RCMP applicant process. It's actually broken down into two parts. The first part is called the Attribute Interview. This is the portion that has replaced the Right Fit Interview. It has … [Read more...]
RCMP Right Fit Interview Competency 5 – Meeting Client Needs
RCMP Right Fit Interview Competency 5 - Meeting Client Needs As I continue my series breaking down the eight RCMP Right Fit Interview competencies(Formerly Regular Member Selection Interview), we are going to focus on Meeting Client Needs. As I stated in my previous posts, going through the RCMP Application Process and getting ready for this … [Read more...]